

Fine Art | Oil Paintings

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“Lagh de Cama”


“Chasing the Winter Light”

Yes, I'm talking to you!

My art may not be universal,

but it's crafted for those who find solace in the untouched beauty of the Alps,

seeking moments of stillness to reflect and reconnect with their authentic self.

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I am excited to invite you to my upcoming group exhibition:

600 Jahre Grauer Bund

Opening: April 27, 14:15

Via Principala 90, Trun (GR), Switzerland

Museum Sursilvan

Latest News

  • Exhibitions

    Trun 27.04. - 03.11.2024
    Aeschi 13.07. - 04.08.2024

  • 2nd prize for plein air painting “Le Nuage”

    Franziska Krauss wins 2nd prize in La Tour-de-Peilz, Switzerland, with her plein air painting “Le Nuage”.

  • Member of the Guild of Swiss Mountain Painters

    Officially accepted as a member in 2023, I'm thrilled to have found a community of like-minded artists who share my love for nature and mountain painting!

The Valleys Speak of Their Past

The silent stories of glaciers, viewed through the perspective of an artist.

Image by Natris

Collector's Voice

…they bring the feeling of pure nature and tranquility back into my home”

“I had been searching for a suitable painting for my office for a long time and was thrilled when I found a beautiful subject by Franziska Krauss.

Franziska Krauss's paintings captivate me because they bring the feeling of pure nature and tranquility back into my home. With her unique choice of colors, she manages to capture the mood of the South Grisons mountains without becoming too figurative. Viewed from a distance, her pictures look like precisely painted landscapes, but upon closer inspection, they transform into abstract, impasto works of art with distinct brushstrokes. A fascinating combination. Absolutely worth seeing!”

Stéphanie Mar Corthésy, Zurich